Lowell Elementary Mountain Bike Club
Ride Club Overview
Lowell Elementary Mountain Bike Club offers Students grade 2-5 to have an opportunity of a fun outdoor activity. Learning the fundamentals of mountain biking, students have an outlet that encourages lifelong fitness and quality relationship with fellow students and adults. We encourage safety, respect and appreciation for ourselves, our group, our trails and other trail users. All rides are led by a qualified leader under WMBC standards.

School Name:
Lowell Elementary Mountain Bike Club
Registration Opens:
Registration Closes:
Available to which Grades:
Maximum number of students:
Day of the week:
Club Start Date:
Club End Date:
Club Start Time:
4:00 PM
Club End Time:
6:00 PM
Meeting location:
If you would like to request a Scholarship for this program, please send us an email to Char at char.waller@wmbcmtb.org. If you have already received a discount code, proceed to registration checkout and enter the code.