Evil Bikes and Aslan Brewing presents: Whatcom World Cup # 7 Upper Scorpion to Das Autobahn to Irish death.
- Start is left of the wooden drop at entrance to Scorpion.
- Stay left at trail split and then go right (down) tower road.
- Take Left into the entrance of Das Autobahn.
- Exit Das Autobahn and go right.
- Take a left into Irish Death.
- Finish is just before the road / exit of Irish Death.
Apres will be at the finish. Chip pick-up is at the top near start.
WWC #7 Course Updates:
- The step up on Das Autobahn after the clearcut will be taped off to go straight only.
- The very beginning drop on Irish Death had a log added to make it rollable (at slow speeds only).
- The gap off the concrete paver near the end of Irish Death was a safety concern (especially without a proper ride-around) so that was laddered over today. Additionally, that takeoff lip was really deteriorated, so that got flattened for now and the whole feature will be upgraded in the Fall when we get more moisture!
